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Ultraviolet UVC

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does UV-C energy kill?
    UV-C works because at the wavelength of 254nm (Nanometers) it causes lesions in DNA and RNA of all microorganisms. Enough exposure (dose) of UV-C damages the DNA and RNA to the point where they cannot replicate, effectively killing and inactivating any organic contaminant.
  • Does UV-C work against SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus)?
    Yes - if installed and used in the correct manner. Despite Coronavirus being able to live for long periods of time on both surfaces and in the air we are breathing, it is a virus and therefore susceptible to the power of our Philips UV-C disinfection systems. UV-C has been proved to work efficiently against microorganisms for more than a century.
  • Can I use your UV-C systems in occupied areas such as elevators, schools and offices?"
    Yes. All of our units that are installed in places where there are people occupying the space have many levels of safety included in their design. The correct installation of multi-layers of motion sensor technology is the bedrock of all of our units designed to disinfect occupied spaces.
  • Can UV-C be used to directly disinfect people or animals?
    No! UV-C is at the wavelength of 254nm (Nanometers) and is harmful to skin and especially eyes. DO NOT look directly at UV-C light. UV-C is not for use in occupied spaces.
  • How can operators protect themselves against the power of UV-C?
    We include protective UV glasses with every purchase which should be worn at all times when exposed to any of our UV systems. Appropriate protective measures should always be taken when working with UV-C and be aware of stray light that may reflect from other surfaces onto skin or into eyes. Note - UV-C energy cannot pass through glass and most perpexes.
  • Can UV products, such as those seen on Amazon or Lazada protect against viruses and other harmful contaminants?"
    This is difficult to answer as we do not wish to demean other company's products. However, please be aware that all microorganisms, viruses and bacteria require a certain pre-determined does of UV-C to be used effectively. A lot of the smaller 'household' UV units are simply NOT powerful enough to supply the required dose of UV to kill contaminants safely
  • Can UV-C be used to disinfect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) ?
    As part of a multi-stage disinfection process, UV-C is an excellent component to ensure the safety of re-usable PPE. The heating of PPE, along with the use of Hydrogen Peroxide are widely agreed to be essential measures regarding the sanitization of equipment exposed to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19). But the addition of UV-C to this multi-stage process can only increase the effectiveness of the disinfection process - especially as there may be other harmful microorganisms present that cannot be killed by heating and Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Can't I just buy some UV-C equipment and make my own systems? It's only a light bulb, right?"
    Wrong! UV-C MUST be installed correctly and safely! We have 14 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of what can be very dangerous equipment into food processing plants, hospitals, offices, clinics and schools. If designed and installed incorrectly, not only will a 'home made' system fail to work it might pur users are great danger of harmful exposure to the power of UV-C.
  • What is the lifespan of the UV-C tubes from Philips?
    The lifespan of the tubes is 9,000 hours with market-leading levels of continuous power output compared to other brands. Philips are world leaders in the UV-C Specialist Lighting sector. Their low-level mercury UV-C tubes are used all over the globe in various disinfection settings.
  • Is the UV-C used by Clean Air (Thailand) of 'Medical Grade'?
    Yes! The systems we design and market only contain 'medical grade' UV-C equipment. We will not use lesser-quality tubes and electronics in an attempt to shave costs from what is extremely important equipment in the fight against things like SARS-CoV-2.
  • Do the UV lamps you supply give off Ozone?
    No. There is a time and a place to use Ozone, such as in safely designed commercial kitchen systems of factory exhaust ducting. Our Philips UV-C systems DO NOT issue any Ozone
  • How hot do the UV-C tubes get?
    They function at around the same temperature as a household fluorescent tube. They will not effect the heat transfer efficiency of a HVAC system, for example.
  • Does UV-C damage surfaces that are exposed to the light?
    It is generally understood that the shelf life of plastics is affected by around 10% by being exposed to UV-C. Plants might be affected by UV-C energy and certain dyes and colours may fade over time when exposed to UV-C.
  • How do I know when to replace the UV-C tubes in my system over time?
    We track every sale and installation and communicate with customers regarding the upcoming replacement of any of your tubes. We also offer service and maintenance contracts whereby the regular replacement of tubes is included in the monthly premium.
  • What proof exists that your UV-C systems can kill microorganisms as claimed?
    There are numerous online resources that identify the UV-C dose required to kill a host of harmful bacteria, viruses, molds and other contamimants. The higher the dose supplied to a microoganism = the more effective the UV-C system is! All of our systems have their UV-C power output independently assessed by the government laboratory accredited with responsibility for this type of disinfection. We then use this power output to calculate the kill-rates of our systems.
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